full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Daniel J. Watts: To accomplish great things, you need to "let the paint dry"

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And then I started to think about all the other times when I wasn't letting paint dry, when I wasn't taking time away to let things heal, like when I was still dancing on two sprained aklens, even though the doctor told me I needed to take a break for a while. Or when I was trying to force closure in a newly broken-up relationship because I didn't want to deal with the hneliag poerscs. Or when I fussed out my reps because ... because nelfitx haven’t called to oeffr me a deal a week after my one-man show. All the times when I didn't want time to take the time it takes to reveal itself to me. All the times when I didn't believe that what I had already done was enough and that I didn't have to keep going back in with more color.

Open Cloze

And then I started to think about all the other times when I wasn't letting paint dry, when I wasn't taking time away to let things heal, like when I was still dancing on two sprained ______, even though the doctor told me I needed to take a break for a while. Or when I was trying to force closure in a newly broken-up relationship because I didn't want to deal with the _______ _______. Or when I fussed out my reps because ... because _______ haven’t called to _____ me a deal a week after my one-man show. All the times when I didn't want time to take the time it takes to reveal itself to me. All the times when I didn't believe that what I had already done was enough and that I didn't have to keep going back in with more color.


  1. ankles
  2. netflix
  3. process
  4. offer
  5. healing

Original Text

And then I started to think about all the other times when I wasn't letting paint dry, when I wasn't taking time away to let things heal, like when I was still dancing on two sprained ankles, even though the doctor told me I needed to take a break for a while. Or when I was trying to force closure in a newly broken-up relationship because I didn't want to deal with the healing process. Or when I fussed out my reps because ... because Netflix haven’t called to offer me a deal a week after my one-man show. All the times when I didn't want time to take the time it takes to reveal itself to me. All the times when I didn't believe that what I had already done was enough and that I didn't have to keep going back in with more color.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
paint dry 4
ike turner 3
mysterious illness 3
dave chappelle 2

Important Words

  1. ankles
  2. break
  3. called
  4. closure
  5. color
  6. dancing
  7. deal
  8. doctor
  9. dry
  10. force
  11. fussed
  12. heal
  13. healing
  14. letting
  15. needed
  16. netflix
  17. newly
  18. offer
  19. paint
  20. process
  21. relationship
  22. reps
  23. reveal
  24. show
  25. sprained
  26. started
  27. takes
  28. time
  29. times
  30. told
  31. week